For people who are highly skilled and under 45 years of age, there are several visa pathways. They fall into three broad categories:

·     Independent, subclass 189

·     State nominated, subclass 190 

·    State nominated, subclass 491 (provisional) state or family-sponsored – see more information here

In all categories, the basic requirements are:

1. Maximum age is 44 at the time of application.

2. You must speak English at a competent level (minimum IELTS 6 in each band of the General or Academic Test). 

3. You must have a tertiary (university, technical school) or trade qualifications, or substantial relevant work history may be used instead in certain occupations (like high-level business Managers, IT professionals, etc.)

4. Your skills must be assessed as meeting the Australian standards (we will assist with a skills assessment application for you). 

5. Your occupation must be on the relevant Skilled Occupations List (there are different lists for each state, for independent migration, and for visas sponsored by employers)

6. The state governments may stipulate some additional requirements with regard to your employment experience, English, residency or study in their state. See the following links for more info about the state requirements:

 7. You must pass the Points Test Passmark of 65 points if you apply for an independent or state and family-sponsored skilled visa. Find out your points score by completing the free assessment.


Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 485) 
This visa allows overseas students who have completed in Australia a course of tertiary study and who don’t meet the criteria for a permanent General Skilled Migration visa to remain in Australia for 18, 24 or 36 months (depending on the stream). Typically graduates use this visa to gain skilled work experience or improve their English language skills so they can meet the criteria for a permanent visa application. The age limit is 35, or under 50 if you are using a Masters (research) or Doctoral Degree (PhD) to meet the Australian study requirement, or you hold a Hong Kong or British National Overseas passport.
As a holder of subclass 485 visa, you may apply for permanent residence at any time if you can meet the pass mark on the General Skilled Migration points test.

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