Application for a business visa to Australia is a two-stage process:
- Provisional Visa subclass 188 Subclass 188 has been closed for new applications
- Permanent Visa subclass 888
Subclass 888 is open for the existing subclass 188 holders
To qualify for the Business Innovation and Investment (Temporary) (subclass 188) visa the age limit is 55, although a state or territory can waive this requirement if your proposed business will be of exceptional economic benefit to the relevant region. There is no age limit for the Significant Investor Stream. You should score at least 65 on the points test for this visa.
Business Innovation and Investment
You must score at least 65 points on the Innovation Test.
Points are awarded for:
- Age
- English language ability
- Qualifications
- Experience in business or investments
- Net personal and business assets
- Business turnover
- Innovation.
Business Innovation streamÂ
Free evaluation
Explore your Australian visa options.
Significant Investor Stream